Screenwriting: The SHORT of it…

...versus the FEATURE. Here we take a look at the key elements of screenwriting. As we know, it's the elements that connect to carry the load and balance out your story… STRUCTURE. This being the core difference between a feature and a short screenplay/script. From your prewrite – outline and or treatment we get an idea of how we'll structure our story/script. In doing this for a feature, you don’t...

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Different Non-Linear Narrative Structures

  In order to begin understanding the different forms of narrative structures, we should primarily lay emphasis on what the term “narrative” means in the world of literature, theater, movies, graphic novels, etc. The Modern Man after learning the nuances of communication explored and delved into the dimensions of fine arts and with time learnt to write stories, novels, dramas and the likes to engage with the common mass, to propagate...

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Screenwriting competitions: The gatekeepers

An article by Barry John Terblanche   Screenwriting competition companies, through their advertising will boast about their JUDGES. All being either successfully produced screenwriters, agents, managers, producers, etc. Would it not be great to have your script read by these “Gods”! But, just as getting to the holy God, you first need to get through St. Peter, heavens gatekeeper. So too do screenwriting competitions have their gatekeepers… otherwise known as the...

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