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Learning Archives - Royal Society of Television and Motion Picture


ELEMENTS OF MISE EN SCENE IN POSTMODERN CINEMA   “The production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet.” – Aristotle, Poetics.   And the key machinist is the Director. In cinema the filmmaker is responsible for translating a script into visuals. This is the challenge of directing and this is where directors distinguish themselves as good directors or great directors. Cinema is an audio-visual...

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LEARN HOW TO DO A STORYTELLING POV SHOT FOR A FILM WITH ONE MAIN PROTAGONIST     It was a cold night, but the weather wasn’t the only reason for the fierce chill that was floating in the air. The local restaurant where all the important and rich people were gathering was filled with music, chatter noise, and life, still, it was as if you were standing in the open cold rain –...

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Duis in porta urna, id finibus urna. Donec ut felis vel felis volutpat elementum proin sed purus mi. Mauris elementum finibus turpis, id dictum nulla laoreet....

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