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RESEARCH PAPER Archives - Royal Society of Television and Motion Picture

Nihilism in Post-Modern Cinema

An article by | Debopam Deb Roy After having watched a film, most of us tend to focus on superficial aspects like the content of a film, amount of violence, risky stunts, camera movements, etc. Although these aspects act as the basis of all criticism surrounding a film, there is one more aspect that is generally overlooked by most lovers of cinema. Just like any major project is based on a...

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Synthesis of Humanity: An exploration into the class divisions in the future of Humanity seen through the genre of “Cyberpunk”

Stories have been told since the beginning of time even before humans learned to read and write. Stories that help us understand ourselves better, inadvertently become the best form of communication. There are parts of our reality which we choose to hide from ourselves, perhaps to feel that we are in control, that there is a God guiding us from above and everything should be left to His benevolence. It...

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