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Cinema Vérité Archives - Royal Society of Television and Motion Picture


ELEMENTS OF MISE EN SCENE IN POSTMODERN CINEMA   “The production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet.” – Aristotle, Poetics.   And the key machinist is the Director. In cinema the filmmaker is responsible for translating a script into visuals. This is the challenge of directing and this is where directors distinguish themselves as good directors or great directors. Cinema is an audio-visual...

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Duis in porta urna, id finibus urna. Donec ut felis vel felis volutpat elementum proin sed purus mi. Mauris elementum finibus turpis, id dictum nulla laoreet. ...

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WEB SERIES: THE FUTURE OF ENTERTAINMENT   Tired of the same boring programmes on your television? Turn off your television sets. In fact, throw them out. Instead, tune into Web Series which give you a breather from contrived monotonous weepathons on cable networks. As the taste and demands of the new-age viewer changes, content providers are exploring new ways to deliver original programmes specific to the digital audiences. We know a show is a hit...

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CHARLIE CHAPLIN: ENDLESS ARTISTRY         Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889, in London. His childhood was marred with poverty and misery. His mother was a struggling actress. He got his first acting job at the age of 14 while enjoying success in the music halls. In 1910 with Fred Karno troupe Chaplin went to the United States for a three-year gig. In 1913, in Philadelphia, Chaplin came to know that Mack Sennett’s Keystone...

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STANLEY KUBRICK & THE BIRTH OF VISUAL POETRY     The power of imagination makes us infinite – John Muir   Secretive, reclusive, strange, mysterious or cold whatever they say about Stanley Kubrick doesn’t fade the distinguished mark he left in the history of cinema through his works. Stanley Kubrick was far from a one-dimensional director. It’s true that the 13 feature-length films he made over 50 years of his film career present a disenchanted,...

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