Samantha Casella | Interview

RSTMPA : What initially drew you to filmmaking? Samantha : I think a sort of "chain reaction" was triggered. At the beginning came the love for literature, then for art, until one afternoon, I was a child, I saw a film by Ingmar Bergman, “Winter Light”. Cinema conquered me that day. RSTMPA : Who are your filmmaking influences, and how do they inspire your work? Samantha : I admire many directors but I...

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Dr. hc. Sheldon Woodson Sr. | Interview

RSTMPA: What initially drew you to filmmaking? Sheldon: I started as an artist, drawing portraits and writing comics using pictures without words, then writing the words later. After seeing how storyboards made movies what they were. I decided to throw my hat in the ring.   RSTMPA: Who are your filmmaking influences, and how do they inspire your work? Sheldon: Initially, Spike Lee, seeing that a person of color was making films at a...

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