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RESULTS (JULY-2021) CATEGORY: Amateur Film WINNER Ke Baba Hahalaba Directed by Sudipta Chatterjee United States - CATEGORY: Animated Films WINNER The game just got real Directed by Bellopropello Switzerland - CATEGORY: Best Actor WINNER The Sleeping Buddha Acted by Sourav Chatterjee India - CATEGORY: Best Actress WINNER The Sleeping Buddha Acted by Nahida Akhtar India - CATEGORY: Best Director WINNER The Sleeping Buddha Directed by Anirban Chakraborty India - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Milas Tagebuch (Milas Diary) Directed by Gabriel Da Silva Switzerland - Kaali Maati Directed by  Hemantkumar Mahale India - The Next Generation George Kyriakopoulos, Shiseido Ruiz, George Zouvelos United States - CATEGORY: Best Producer WINNER Milas Tagebuch (Milas Diary) Directed by Gabriel Da Silva Switzerland - CATEGORY: Best...

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