Come Outside
Directed by Sheldon Woodson | Reviewed by Samiksha Periwal
This film depicts an extraordinary occurrence in which the audience witnesses the course of events change due to an astronomical event. It appears to alter the consciousness of those who go outside directly under the sun, causing hazardous vibrations that convert people into mindless zombies. A lady who enjoys the sun, on the other hand, is unaware of the consequences and leaves. The story takes a different direction from here, and you see the implications of her actions which might as well give you goosebumps!
The story begins with an image of a happy couple, married and carrying out their day-to-day activities, unaware of what the future has in store for them. The husband, played by the director himself, appears to be a more practical man who values information and is adaptable, whereas the wife, played by Vanessa Dehesa- Woodson, is a lady who trusts her intuition and refuses to deviate from her routine. Their relationship as a whole, can be viewed as supportive and encouraging. The use of voiceovers in various sequences adds a dash of levity to an otherwise somber plot.
Rapid climate change and global warming, which are still not fully addressed by organizations, higher authorities and us, the people who live on this planet, can have catastrophic consequences. The gravity of the situation may not be obvious to everyone right now because we have all of the resources we require; nevertheless, when the environment’s usable resources are completely depleted, one will comprehend the ramifications, and the situation will only worsen for future generations. Through this film we understand how such events can completely destroy a happy family. The phrase ‘Come Outside’ can be intimidating when taken literally, but it can also be understood metaphorically to mean that we, as individuals, should emerge from our bubble of delusion and recognize the consequences of our actions. In these times of rapid change, industrialization, and urbanization, being more responsible and conscious of our surroundings is critical.
This plot has been filmed keeping in mind every minute detail of the characters giving us a clear depiction of the flow of events one after another. The entire film is set inside a basic house, and the characters’ physical appearances are equally naturalistic, with only the bare minimum. The editing and sequencing are to the point. Sound effects from time to time add to the surprise element which make the audience curious and anxious about the upcoming sequences. It focuses on informing the audience about the importance of sunlight and indirectly mocks technology, attempting to emphasize its limitations and demonstrating how natural resources always have the upper hand and are vital for us humans. It adds meaning to our existence and makes us feel more accountable for our actions.
The director, Sheldon Woodson is a retired military vet from Indiana. Even though he is essentially from a commerce background, he considers himself as an AutuerPreur whose goal in life is to write, film, and direct conscious movies under the banner of ‘edutainment’. Which includes educating the audience on important and relevant issues through entertainment. He has also authored a few books like “Darkness in Light” and “Choice- Choice Matters”.
‘Come Outside’ is a literal and metaphoric eye-opener for audiences who have forgotten about nature and the magnificent world outside, confining themselves to little enclosures surrounded by readily available technology and artificial resources. It is consequently a very relevant and vital film which should be viewed by all of us, and especially the youth. A brief story with a powerful message is exactly what one needs right now to calm down and contemplate.