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2021 - Royal Society of Television and Motion Picture

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RESULTS (December-2021) CATEGORY: Animated Film  WINNER The Case Directed by Maurizio Forestieri Italy - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD On / Off Directed by Nicolas P. Villarreal Argentina - Broke and Bloody Directed by Lanessa Miller, Ahren Field Buchheisteer United States - CATEGORY:Best Actress WINNER The Consequence Acted by: Shabnam Borgoyari India - CATEGORY:Best Director WINNER Certamente Directed by Selina Leone Bulgaria - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD BLOCKED Directed by Anntreece Jones United States - LEAVE IT ON THE TRACK Directed by Benjamin Pascoe United States - CRITICS’ CHOICE AWARD Broke and Bloody Directed by Lanessa Miller, Ahren Field Buchheisteer United States - Routine Directed by Russ Emanuel United States - CATEGORY:  Best Film Score – Soundtrack WINNER Tierra del Fuego Directed by Andrii Andreiev Ukraine - OUTSTANDING...

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Synthesis of Humanity: An exploration into the class divisions in the future of Humanity seen through the genre of “Cyberpunk”

Stories have been told since the beginning of time even before humans learned to read and write. Stories that help us understand ourselves better, inadvertently become the best form of communication. There are parts of our reality which we choose to hide from ourselves, perhaps to feel that we are in control, that there is a God guiding us from above and everything should be left to His benevolence. It...

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Screenwriting: The SHORT of it…

...versus the FEATURE. Here we take a look at the key elements of screenwriting. As we know, it's the elements that connect to carry the load and balance out your story… STRUCTURE. This being the core difference between a feature and a short screenplay/script. From your prewrite – outline and or treatment we get an idea of how we'll structure our story/script. In doing this for a feature, you don’t...

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Phantasmagoria, 1945

Directed by - Karl Nussbaum | Reviewed by Kamalika Sarkar   Phantasmagoria, 1945 is an experimental documentary on political collage with a runtime of 11 minutes 10 seconds. This movie is directed by Karl Nussbaum in Germany. As the title of the film suggests, phantasmagoria, which signifies a sequence of real or at times imaginary scenes more likely of those we see in our dreams. This movie showcases an after-dinner slideshow of bedtime...

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Different Non-Linear Narrative Structures

  In order to begin understanding the different forms of narrative structures, we should primarily lay emphasis on what the term “narrative” means in the world of literature, theater, movies, graphic novels, etc. The Modern Man after learning the nuances of communication explored and delved into the dimensions of fine arts and with time learnt to write stories, novels, dramas and the likes to engage with the common mass, to propagate...

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Sound in David Lynch’s films

    In the world of cinema there are numerous aspects that add to the images on screen that readily help the viewers to connect with the flowing narrative. Factors such as light, sound, props, colour palette, etc. contribute altogether to breathe life into a film. Sound is a very crucial aspect that bears the potential to completely change the dynamics of a narrative. As we know that the mise-en-scène of a...

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Federico Fellini- The Magician of Cinema

Federico Fellini's name is the most well-known in the history of cinema. Anyone literally connected to the world of cinema and the film industry, from any part of the globe, would undoubtedly be aware of Fellini and his contributions to this sector. He was an Italian film director and screenwriter who was noted for his unique style, which combined fantasy and baroque imagery with realism. He is widely regarded as...

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RESULTS (November-2021) CATEGORY: Animated Film  WINNER On / Off Directed by Nicolas P. Villarreal Argentina - CATEGORY:Best Cinematography WINNER "warm" Cinematographed by Paul Brenno United States - CATEGORY:Best Director WINNER THE GRAVE WITH NO NAME Directed by Gérard CORPORON France - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Access All Areas Directed by Charlotte Fantelli United Kingdom - On / Off Directed by Nicolas P. Villarreal Argentina - CATEGORY:  Best Film Score – Soundtrack WINNER My CarGuitar Directed by Conny Conrad Germany - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD On / Off Directed by Nicolas P. Villarreal Argentina - The Pink Umbrella Directed by Linda Neil, Pete Haddock,  Tarshito Australia - CATEGORY:  Best Sound Designing WINNER The Pink Umbrella Sound Designed by Linda Neil,...

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Come Outside

Directed by Sheldon Woodson | Reviewed by Samiksha Periwal   This film depicts an extraordinary occurrence in which the audience witnesses the course of events change due to an astronomical event. It appears to alter the consciousness of those who go outside directly under the sun, causing hazardous vibrations that convert people into mindless zombies. A lady who enjoys the sun, on the other hand, is unaware of the consequences and leaves....

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Michiko A3

Directed by Ryo Kagawa | Reviewed by Samiksha Periwal                               Michiko A3 is a warm and heartfelt love story of Ryo Sukagawa and Michiko. It is an inspirational tale of a woman who struggles to lead a peaceful and happy life because of her mental illness. Her dedication and passion towards working for young children is indeed what keeps her alive, but unfortunately not for too long. Her death is life-changing...

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